Autumn is my favorite season of the year. I enjoy seeing the fall colors and watching farmers harvest their crops.
With the days growing shorter and the air brisker, autumn has another appeal. I’ve always loved that it leads into the holiday season. Thanksgiving and Christmas have special activities and family get-togethers that are highly anticipated. In addition, I’ve always looked forward to seasonal holiday foods.
This picture was taken about a half mile from my grandparents’ place. It’s been a number of years since they were here to enjoy the season with us. Yet, that time with them was always special.
What you may not see is how the road leads over two streams. Like the old Christmas song says, “Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go.” The writer forgot to add “… and up the huge hill”. But, I suppose that they didn’t know the way to my Grandma’s!
One of my favorite seasonal things my grandmother made was her caramel candies. They were rich, sweet and creamy! Actually, creamy may be an understatement. I suppose that is because those candies started when Grandpa used to haul milk. They continued long past that, since Dad works in a cheese factory. So, there was always sweet, rich cream in those caramels – nothing diluted there!
Now that my grandmother is gone, my wife continues that caramel tradition. Grandma didn’t leave her recipe to anyone, so my wife found one that was very similar – just for me!
Looking at this picture and thinking about those caramels, reminds me of the importance to slow down and “enjoy the scenery”. Life is too short, and in the end, the things that are most important are our loved ones and the memories that were shared with them.
I’m also reminded of the beauty with which the Creator has painted His universe. Thinking of that, and Grandma’s caramels, I remember the passage in Psalm 34, where we’re told to “Taste and see that the Lord is good…”
This autumn, I hope that you’ll take time to enjoy the beautiful fall colors. Along the way, I hope that you’ll take time to remember years past, and look forward to what lies ahead.
Have a great day! 😀
(Please follow us on Facebook at “The Rural Journal” and online at www.theruraljournal.com. This was first published at www.theroadreport.wordpress.com.)