At one time, the sight of a windmill was a common sight on many farms. Used to power a pump, it was an integral part of helping to draw water out of the ground for both the people and animals that called the place home. Rising above the house and other outbuildings, the metal framed structure stood like a lone sentinel guarding the property.
Windmills are still found in many places but aren’t as common today. They are still located on old farmsteads and also at Amish farms in place of electric power. Miniature reproductions can also be seen as part of landscape displays.
Just like the water that comes from the ground, there are emotions, attitudes and thoughts within us – beneath our surface. What comes out, when we find ourselves facing different situations, is a reaction to what’s inside.
How you and I respond to others is a reflection to what – and Who – is in us. Let me encourage you to trust the Savior – drawing deeply and finding satisfaction from the well that will never run dry.
Have a great day!
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