Mum’s the Word!

As summer fades into fall, autumn decorations become common to see. Corn shocks, pumpkins, gourds and mums can be seen outside of many homes and businesses.

Fall displays have always been something that I enjoyed seeing. After a busy summer, it’s fun to see the rewards of a good harvest. Autumn decorations also mean that the holiday season is just around the corner – with all of its fun festivities and get-togethers.

These blooms offer a splash of color during harvest time. With these flowers, we realize that the weather is going to be growing cooler. Decorative displays like this allows some warmth before the long, gloomy days of winter set in.

We live in a world that’s full of competing voices. Perhaps, we are missing out on the golden nature of silence. It’s in that quietness when we can hear our Creator and the needs and concerns of those around us. Remember, “Mum’s the word!”

Have a great day! 😀

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