Tag Archive for: Animals

It’s that time of the year when tree buds and early spring flowers are starting to appear like what is seen in this picture. One can imagine the young livestock – calves, foals and lambs, that are enjoying their first days of new life in many of the nearby pastures.

As the cold nights give way to warm days, there’s a faint earthy smell as farmers begin to work the soil. Of course, the last loads of manure are being hauled out of barns as livestock are beginning to find their way to green, spring pastures. So perhaps, there’s a chance that what I’m smelling is some “fresh country air”.

Spring is a time when the world awakens all around us.  It’s as if everything comes alive after a long winter’s nap.

We look at all of the signs of new life that surrounds us and see an orchestrated beauty there. Even when the world seems out of control, the newness of life shows a certain order. But perhaps there’s more, as that gentle rhythm allows us to see the delicate designs and intricate patterns of a loving Creator. In these moments, we have the ability to be awed by such beauty and grace.

As this new life returns, gone are the cold, dark, damp nights of winter.  In their place, are the warm, fresh, invigorating days of spring.  With the weather changing, take time to enjoy the new life that is appearing all around us.

Have a great day! 😊

(Please follow us on Facebook at “The Rural Journal” and online at www.theruraljournal.com. This was first published at www.theroadreport.wordpress.com.)


I captured this picture a few years ago. This Amish farmer is seen picking corn with a pull-behind corn picker.

A lot of work goes into a crop before it gets to harvest. There’s the initial time invested in fieldwork and planting. Afterwards, comes countless hours cultivating and tending the new crop to help it reach its greatest potential.

Of course, lots of hard work and care doesn’t ensure that a crop will turn out well. Weather, insects and other variables can wreak havoc on plants.

Ultimately, the success of a crop is in the hands of the Creator. Yet, He desires the farmer to work with Him.

It’s through that joint endeavor that we learn more about His character and care for us.

As we begin a new year, we will face many opportunities. Some things will succeed, while others won’t.

In the end, the outcome of the harvest depends on God. Let’s make sure that we make the most out of where He plants and leads us!

Have a great day! 😀

(Please follow us on Facebook at “The Rural Journal” and online at www.theruraljournal.com. This was first published at www.theroadreport.wordpress.com.)

On a recent delivery to a dairy farm, I noticed several calf hutches near the driveway. Several young Jersey calves were resting at these enclosures. While I loved seeing the young animals, it also brought back another memory a day later as I thought back to that stop.

Seeing those Jersey calves brought back memories of my Grandfather. He hauled milk for many years – until I was around six years old. Grandpa is where I got my love for trucking. (He may also be partially responsible for why Dad has worked at a cheese factory for more than forty-five years – and, they both played a part in why I love farms and rural life.)

Growing up, I loved trucks. It was always exciting to go to my grandparents’ place and climb into one of Grandpa’s truck cabs. All of those knobs and buttons were very tempting for little fingers!

But, there was more to Grandpa than just trucks. He loved people – his family, and the individuals that he met over the years. People are where these calves come in. I remember hearing how Grandpa used to enjoy talking to farmers as he picked up their milk. He also enjoyed sharing a funny joke or good story – and likely, many of those farmers looked forward to his arrival to add some color to their days.

As I’ve grown older, I still enjoy trucks. I don’t always find their cabs to be the fascinating playgrounds that I did as a child. Yet, like Grandpa, I’m finding that trucking allows me to have a unique way to enter other people’s lives.

I don’t have the ability to spend long periods of time getting to talk to my customers. Yet, I still enjoy those few moments of conversation that I often have with various people. It’s a privilege to get to enter into the lives of others – earning their trust as they tell me their stories. Those moments aren’t something that I take lightly – but, believe to be an opportunity that God blesses me with.

The Jersey calves reminded me of an important lesson that I learned from Grandpa many years ago – that we’re seldom too busy to give a listening ear to somebody else.

Have a great day!

(This was first published at theroadreport.wordpress.com.)

I recently photographed this team of draft horses on a farm that I was making a delivery to. They were taking a break from plowing while the farmer stepped away briefly to attend to something else.

Now that we’re in spring, sights like this are common around here. It’s not unusual to watch neighboring farmers plant their crops – one using modern equipment, while another uses horsepower from another era. Both forms of farming are fascinating to watch.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, we’re reminded of the various seasons of life – including times to plant and reap.

This picture is an interesting reminder of a once common sight across America. It also helps us to remember the importance of the various seasons – and to keep our eyes on the One who plans out our lives.

Have a great day! 🙂

(This was first published at theroadreport.wordpress.com.)

Many of us are excited to see the first days of spring arrive. Flowers start to bloom, tree buds appear and lawns begin to green. Newborn animals are seen in pastures. At the same time, many people enjoy the arrival of spring sports and campfires with friends.

With the arrival of spring comes Easter. It’s symbolic of the new life that awaits all who seek God’s forgiveness for their sins, and accept His Son, Jesus, as their Lord and Savior.

Many think about the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter. We recall the horrible way that He suffered and died. At this time, we also remember how Christ triumphantly defeated death when He rose from the grave.

During these early days of a new season, please take some time to reflect on the newness of life with Christ. Let those thoughts draw you near to the Savior who loves you so much that He would rather die than live without you.

Have a great day!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16 (NIV)

(This was first published at theroadreport.wordpress.com.)