Tag Archive for: People

Sometimes you stumble upon a fascinating scene that’s hidden on some small dirt road.

That was definitely the case when I came across this old Chevrolet pickup parked under a barn overhang.  After making a delivery at a nearby residence, I stopped long enough to grab this photo of that scene.

While I had driven past that barn on many occasions, that day was the first time that I had seen that Chevy parked there.  It was an image that seemed to be jump out of some painting or old picture.

The vintage truck and old barn serve as reminders of a different era.

There was a time when generations of family members spent much of their time together.  Fathers and sons would work side by side to plant and harvest crops.  Families would join together for times of prayer and Sunday dinners.

Of course, things were made to last back then.  Buildings were built more for function, than beauty.  People seemed to be more resourceful – not always chasing after the current fads, but rather they often made more effort to take care of what they already had.

This scene is a great visual reminder of our need to slow down and rest.  That’s the opposite of what we are often seem to believe – as most of us are now constantly moving.

We’re inundated with new technologies today that are supposed to make our lives easier and save us time.  Yet, it seems as if many of us have less time for our family and friends – the things that truly matter in life.

Likewise, social media often promises to keep us more connected with others.  But instead, as many of our friendships are maintained behind computer and phone screens, we lack the physical and emotional aspects of our relationships with loved ones.  We must “unplug” from our devices to really connect with our family and friends.

As I contemplate that old truck and barn, I’m reminded that some of life’s best lessons are found on those little gravel roads.  It’s in those places where forgotten memories often have a way of helping us see what is truly important.

Have a great day!

(This was first published at theroadreport.wordpress.com.)

While making a delivery at a house some time ago, two young brothers were riding bikes near my truck.  While I was unloading, the older one who was perhaps about six, stopped to talk to me several times.

At one point, he told me that his father worked for a man named “Maynard”.  Then, the boy said that he wanted to work for Maynard someday, too.

Well, I’m not sure who Maynard is.  But apparently, he must be a pretty nice man.

Since that day, I’ve thought several times about that conversation that I had with that young boy.

Each one of us has countless opportunities to make impressions on people.

How often do we take time to show kindness to those who we come into contact with – even little children?  Do people see that we genuinely care about them?  Or, do they feel like they’re an inconvenience to us as we hurry through our days?

The fact that that young boy wants to work for his father’s boss also says something.  If you’re an employer or manager, would your employees recommend that their children seek employment under you?

As we go through each day, let’s be conscientious of the people who cross our paths.  How we treat them may impact them in ways that we will never know.  Let us treat others in a way that they know that they’re valued by God – and us.

Have a great day!

(This was first published at theroadreport.wordpress.com.)

It’s obvious that this old wagon has seen better times. Now, it’s closing out its last days as a rustic lawn ornament – as it slowly rots and rusts away from the effects of the seasons and elements.

Perhaps, there are times when many people think that they can relate to this picture. Like this wagon, they’re given to thoughts of feeling lonely, worn – and, left out in the cold.

Yet, none of us are ever truly alone.

In Proverbs 18, verse 24, we read that God is a friend who is closer than a brother. Further, God promises Believers in Hebrews 13, verse 5, that He will never leave them.

These promises are great foundational truths of the Gospel. God promises them to each person who has accepted His Son, Jesus, as their Lord and Savior.

Friend, I may not know what you are facing, but God does. In fact, He wants to carry you safely through that experience. All you need to do, is place your trust in Him – leaning into the loving arms of the Savior.

That old wagon serves as a fascinating focal point. But, our lives don’t have to share its misfortune.

Have a great day!🙂

Every season offers its own unique challenges and opportunities.  Driving truck in a largely rural area with hilly terrain, winter is by far the most challenging time – especially when it comes to backroads and getting in and out of driveways.  During this season, my truck has the opportunity to become a giant sled – taking me for rides to places where I don’t want to go!  So, being able to see a cleared or treated road is always a welcome sight.

I took this picture not too long ago.  It was on a backroad near where my grandparents once lived.  The terrain, mixed with the surrounding scenery stuck out as being “photo-worthy”.  Unfortunately, the grit made the picture – well, sort of dirty and unsightly!

The sight of that stone and salt combination adds another thought.  It allows an otherwise, snow-covered, icy road to become passable.

Grit isn’t just used to describe a stone mixture that’s reserved for roads or industrial applications.  It’s also a quality used to describe the courage, perseverance and passion that’s revealed in some people as they face challenging circumstances.

When I think of people with grit, images of Bible characters, pioneers, homesteaders and other historical figures toughened by life experiences quickly come to mind.  My thoughts also wander to stories that were told about my grandparents and other family members who had to deal with various, difficult challenges.

Yet, grit isn’t just about stone, or the people who lived before you and me.  It can also describe a passion and determination that God has endowed each one of us with.  Grit may be manifested in some people in extraordinary ways.  However, grit is most often lived out in our daily living and interactions with others.  It shows up in the kindness that we treat others with, and the humility that guides our interactions with them.  Further, that quality is lived out in the integrity that should guide and govern every facet of our lives.  Grit isn’t just courage to overcome, but a passion to do what is right – every time!

While that stone mixture may soil the look of a beautiful winter scene, it offers us a powerful reminder. That grit reminds me of our dependence on the Creator, and the ways that He uses to guide us and others safely home.

Have a great day!

(First published at theroadreport.wordpress.com.)